Thursday, June 25, 2009

Christianity--A Crutch for the Weak?

In college I had a student in Philosophy 101 class who said that Christianity was just a crutch for the weak. Immediately 10 or so other students (myself included) jumped all over her and said that was absolute crap. Many leaders, star athletes, politicians, authors--you could go on and on--were Christians.

I saw a similar quote about Christianity recently, and I had a markedly different response to it. "Yes," I thought, "Christianity is for the weak."

Think about who Christ hung around--prostitutes, tax collectors, fishermen--hardly the high class types.

And Christianity has often made in roads into the poor and downtrodden. Today in India it is the lowest of the castes where Christianity is spreading like wildfire.

And who can come to Christ in strength? We must come in weakness, admitting that we have nothing of our own to bring him, and are nothing without him.

I would probably say that Christianity is the legs of the weak rather than a crutch, but other than that, I have no quibble with the quote.

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