Saturday, December 27, 2008

First Time in a While

I did something I haven't done in a long time--I sat down and watched the 5 o'clock news. It was a horrible experience. The stories were so truncated and rushed. It appeared to me that they were trying to cram as much as they could in the 24 minutes that they ended up with a "whole lot of nuthin".

The nightly news was a part of my childhood--I can't figure out if I have grown, or if the news has shrunk.


Matt Churnock said...

I got sick of the 'top 25 ways you are going to die and a fuzzy puppy' format. I don't watch the news anymore.

jennifer h said...

when did the peg come back? I thought it was over, kaput, finis, etc.

I only clicked on someone else's link to see what would happen.

Jason Smith said...

pbs evening news is usually thoughtful. they run longer pieces too.

Xen Scott said...

The death of the Peg, along with that of Mark Twain was greatly exaggerated.