Friday, December 19, 2008

Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict XVI

I had seen this book blurbed favorably by Joel Garver in "Modern Reformation" of all places. I can honestly say that I haven't read a better, more pastoral, more moving presentation of the life of Jesus.

Benedict XVI, previously Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, has been a well-known theologian in Catholic circles for many years (he was apparently John Paul II's chief theological adviser). The breadth of his understanding of biblical theology, and his thorough critique of much of modern liberal theology, shines through this book; although this book is not "academic" in its focus--it is quite pastoral, and even devotional. I highly recommend it.


Anonymous said...

Good morning!

I stumbled onto your blog by chance after Googling "Benedict XVI". Just to say that I agree with your assessment of his book "Jesus of Nazareth". I'm from a mainline Protestant background and have read other Ratzinger books as well. This man has actually been the instrument of God who brought me back to Christian faith in its more orthodox cloth. My father would have loved this irony. He was a Calvinist-type minister with little love for Catholicism - that was in the 1950's, I have to add!

I can highly recommend Ratzinger/Benedict's "Introduction to Christianity" written in the 1960's. It is the best illucidation of the Apostle's Creed and the foundation of Christianity that I've ever read. The book has been translated in numerous languages (including Chinese and, recently, Russian)and has the status of a "classic". It has received an extraordinary reception since the first edition in the sixties, probably because Ratzinger addresses the problem of modernity and the scientific mindset in terms of belief.

What I love about this Pope is his amazing erudition, his sharp vision into the malais of today's culture, his "Biblical" faith and theology and his marvelous knowledge of history and the development of especially Western society in most of its manifestations. He was (is) a great academic and his clarity of thought and presentation also drew droves of students from other disciplines, apart from theology, to his lectures in Bonn, Muenster, Tübingen and Regensburg.

I live in Africa but the "Introduction"-book is available from Amazon and Ignatius Press in the US, where you guys seem to live.

Thanks for this lovely blog! I'll visit again.

Baumbach said...

Anon, thanks for the kind words.

I couldn't agree more about the Pope. All of us on this blog are from a strongly Calvinistic background, and, at least for me, reading his work has caused me to rethink many of the paradigms that I have owned over the past 15 years.

I suspect God has raised this Pope to bring a great deal more unity to His church in a time of relativism and despair; I hope we listen to him and seek the One to whom he points us.

I'll be looking into the "Introduction" book you mention, too. Thanks for the recommendation!

Baumbach said...

Anon, thanks for the kind words.

I couldn't agree more about the Pope. All of us on this blog are from a strongly Calvinistic background, and, at least for me, reading his work has caused me to rethink many of the paradigms that I have owned over the past 15 years.

I suspect God has raised this Pope to bring a great deal more unity to His church in a time of relativism and despair; I hope we listen to him and seek the One to whom he points us.

I'll be looking into the "Introduction" book you mention, too. Thanks for the recommendation!