Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Word to the Wise

If you ever decide to keep Advent as the Orthodox do and fast from meat and dairy, and you get very weary of the whole affair, so much so that you think you can't live without a little cheese on your black beans--don't go buy Vegan fake cheese. You will waste $4 and even the dog won't eat it.


George said...

I'll remember that.

But I don't think there would be any circumstances where I'd consider voluntarily giving up meat and dairy anyway.

Baumbach said...

You give it up for the whole of Advent? Sundays too?

Xen Scott said...

I have given it up for all of Advent, except I am following the Western tradition of taking Sundays off.

There have also been two meals that for the sake of hospitality I have eaten meat.

Also our big family feast is Christmas Eve night, so I will end the fast a few hours early.

So you can tell I am not a perfect faster.

Baumbach said...

So, are you now just imperfectly Orthodox?

Baumbach said...

I tried to e-mail you and it bounced back. Do you have a new address? Mine is the same . . .